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Tips on how to avoid problems

Well, I do understand that some things just happened in your life, maybe to upset you. It might be tempting to evoke the inner you. Research has it that to avoid certain things, you will have to abstain from certain things.

Now how do we do that? I will show you some few steps on how to avoid problem.
> Avoids collisions
> Get rid of anxieties
> Get rid of old memories that hurts
> Always learn to forgive and forget
> Learn from people who are smarter than you
> Get to know people before you mingle with them
> Try new things
> Make friends with good people
> Avoid late night parties
> Wait and listen before jumping into conclusion
> Accept Defeat, Move on and learn from it
> Avoid being a debtor, rather be a creditor
> Learn to Give
> Learn to Smile
> Be a good listener
> Don’t talk any how
> Don’t criticize  
> Don’t rush
> Help people
> Abstain from Alcoholic Drinks
> Don’t smoke
> Don’t Abuse
> Learn to apologize 
> Take every body as being equal
> Don’t discriminate
> Clinch to the Word of God
> Always accept your mistakes and pray for forgiveness
> Stay clear from relationship that is not ready to yield (you will get your heart broken)

I don’t want to bore you with more details. That’s all I could offer for now, hope this helps.

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